جوا البالونة الزرقا
عرض يدعي التجريب ويجرب الادعاء ما بين المؤلَّف الثابت والمرتجل.
أيمن عصفور - كمان
علي عيسى - عود وتأليف
Inside The Blue Balloon
A performance that claims to be experimental and explores the trancey space between the composed and the improvised.
Ayman Asfour - Violin
Aly Eissa - Oud and Compositions
-Entrance at 8:30, event starts at 9:00
-Seats are limited due to social distancing precautions
-Ticket price: 150 egp + 1 minimum order per person
-Tickets are non-refundable
-You can purchase your ticket through the branch itself, or through the following online link: