أحمد علي الحجار مطرب وملحن مصري من عائلة فنية عريقة. هو أيضاً خريج أحد أهم جامعات الموسيقى في العالم، جامعة بيركلي للموسيقى. يقدم أحمد أغاني عربية معاصرة بتوزيع مختلف.
- أحمد علي الحجار - غناء وبيانو
- أحمد قمري - قانون
- سيكا - باص جيتار
- عظيمة - درامز وإيقاع"
"Ahmad is an Egyptian singer/songwriter, as well as a Berklee College of Music alumnus. He grew up singing classical Egyptian songs, and currently performing music inspired by that tradition fused with Jazz and Neo-soul. He has performed with household names such as Carole King, Jason Mraz, and Melissa Etheridge.
- Ahmad Ali El Haggar - Vocals and Keys
- Ahmed Kamary - Qanun
- Sika - Bass
- Azeema - Drums/Percussion"
--Doors open at 8:00, concert starts at 8:30
-Shared tables
-Ticket price: 150 LE + 1 minimum order per person
-Tickets are non-refundable
-You can purchase your ticket from the branch itself, or through the following online link: