تحت الصفر باند مستقلة من القاهرة،تهدف الي تقديم تجربة جديدة في موسيقي الروك العربي و مناقشة مواضيع تلهم و تتواصل علي المستوي الشخصي.
An independent indie rock band hailing from Cairo,Egypt. Taht El Sefr aims to challenge the audience with a collection of adventurous sounds and themes that inspire and connect on a personal level.
Doors open at 8:30, concert starts at 9:00
-Shared tables
-Ticket price: 200 LE + 1 minimum order per person(not included in the ticket price)
-Tickets are non-refundable
-You can purchase your ticket from the branch itself, or through the following online link: