ليلة من السفر بالزمن لاشهر اغانى سباستون يقوم بتقديمها مغنى الاندى العربى محمود حازم احد ابهر فنانى (letsgobigmusic) مع فرقته فاستعدوا لنسيان الحاضر و الاستمتاع بالماضى الخاص بالجيل الذهبى لقناة شباب المستقبل
A night of time travel to the most famous songs of Spactoon, presented by Indie arabic singer Mahmoud Hazem one of (letsgobigmusic) finest and his band , so get ready to forget the present and enjoy the past of the golden generation era with our favorite childhood tunes
-Entry at 8:30 pm and the concert starts at 9:00 pm
-Tables are shared
-Ticket price 150 + 1 minimum order per person
-Tickets are non-refundable
-You can purchase your ticket through the branch itself, or through the following online link: